ISIS 가 크리스찬 아이들을 죽이고 있고 현지 선교사들의 안전의 위급합니다


너무 참혹한 사진입니다. 그리고 너무 긴급한 기도입니다.
현장에 있는 한인 선교사가 보내온 영어번역편지와 사진입니다.
현재 ISIS 점령지역에서는 ISIS가 조직적으로 각 가정을 수색하여 크리스찬들을 색출을 하고 있답니다.
만약 크리스찬이라면 부모들 대신 아이들을 잡아서 죽이고 있다고 합니다.
그리고 아직 그 지역에 크리스찬선교사들과 기관이 아직 철수를 하지 않고 있습니다.
하나님께서 선교사들과 크리스찬 가정들을 지켜주시고 하나님께서 속히 ISIS 를 진멸해주시도록 기도를 부탁합니다.
가능한 많은 크리스찬들이 기도에 동참하도록 많이 공유부탁드립니다.

Pray for our fellow christians and The People in IRAQ


This message is what was given from one Korean Missionary in the Middle-East


today (9/21), This is very urgent prayer request that is sent by local missionaries in the Middle East.


Some time ago I received a mail from Sam Solomon. Please pray together.

Yesterday and today I received two emails from the missionaries who are my friends..

I am posting this email up on my face book so that you can specifically pray for many of our brothers and sisters under a terrible trial as possible as you can in all means by.


Local missionaries who are being attacked by ISIS (Iraq’s extreme Islamic militants) have requested our prayers for them right now.

Today, ISIS took over the area which the missionaries live in.

One missionary said that ISIS has been very intentional and systematical and visited every house and forced children to deny against Jesus.

However, none of them did deny Jesus and ISIS killed those children, but they did not killed their parents.


All of the UN withdrew but only the missionaries still remain there. They have decided to remain there in the area for the local Christian families even though it should result in their death.

The missionaries are very afraid of and have had no idea even how and what they should start to help the parents who have seen the martyrdom of their children.


However, our friend the missionary says that they believe God has a plan and purpose in which He has called to become His voices and hands there in Iraq in this time.

If God wants them to be like the children who were slain, they intend to become the martyrs.

Nevertheless, they still are far too dangerous in a situation where they are supposed to get the courage to live in His calling and so they are eagerly appealing a powerful prayer to us.


These brave parents planted an intense belief in their children so that they are able to choose the martyrdom.

Although they are in the midst of the grief losing their children, please enclose them in your prayers to experience the hope and not to lose the patience, please.


One of our missionary sisters was able to make a phone calls briefly.


She did not say like that, but I knew that she had guessed this phone call the last conversation along with me. Please pray for her. Thank you.


I heard from her that the brother continually asked for praying to God who can let him know what to have to do and what to be able to do.

She told to him and his family that we had been praying for them continually not to get left alone and not to be forgot from the others.


And then this following news came to me in this morning.


A few minutes ago I was given mobile phone messages below from Sean Malone belonging to Crisis Relief International (CRI)

And then after talking about with him, I gave him my promise that I would share this urgent prayer request with all people whom I know.



This is the urgent prayer request.


“We lost the city named Queragosh (Qaraqosh). This city was taken over in the hands of the ISIS and they have been committing a systematic and deliberate massacre of the innocent children with cutting their heads off.


The city is also a city where we have brought smuggled food.


ISIS drove out the Pershmerga (Kurdish Army) and came up to the place apart about 10 minutes from CRI team where we work.


Last night, thousands fled to Erbil city I of refuge. The staff of the U.N was evacuated from Erbil already.


Our team will be staying here without moving. Please cover us in your prayer! We really need your prayer.


Pray for us with all your heart in order that the people of the northern Iraq can get their freedom back again.


The area to the North of Iraq is experiencing a terrible attack of ISIS, a bulk conversion and genocide committed by extreme Islam.



Please Just Try what you are able to do for them


1. Please do not ignore this email.

2. Do not transmit this message to other people without your prayer.

3. Tell many people as possible as you can.

4. Please send this to your friends and the Christians whom you have known.

5. Please also send this message to your prayer groups.

6. Send it to your pastor and let him ask the church members for praying when the Sunday worship services.

7. Also, Encourage them to have a special prayer time for this prayer request.


We are to rebuild up the broken wall for our brothers and sisters in the middle of suffering.


-Translated by Missionary Rev. Philip