Fall for (someone or something)


Hi this is Jennifer Yoo with ENGLISH WITH YOO! 안녕하세요 English with Yoo!의 Jennifer Yoo입니다.
오늘의 표현은 Fall for (someone or something) 입니다.

Before we find out what today’s expression means, let’s listen to today’s conversation. 그럼 오늘의 대화를 들어보면서 ‘fall for (someone or something)’이 무슨 뜻인지 알아보겠습니다. 잘 들어보세요. Listen carefully.

Fall for (someone or something)

Jason: I can’t believe this!
Jen: What’s wrong?
Jason: I fell for what the salesman was telling me and bought an overpriced computer.
Jen: I’m surprised you fell for that.
Jason: I know right? I should be careful next time.

오늘 본문에서 Jason은 컴퓨터 가게에서 판매원의 상술에 당한 모양입니다. Jason은 제게 “I can’t believe this! 믿을 수가 없어!”라고 불평합니다. 그러자 저는 “What’s wrong? 무슨 일인데?”라고 묻는데요. Jason은 “I fell for what the salesman was telling me and bought an overpriced computer. 판매원에게 속아서 비싸게 값이 매겨진 컴퓨터를 사고 말았지 뭐야.”라고 답합니다. 그러자 저는 “I’m surprised you fell for that. 네가 사기를 당했다니 놀랄 일인데?”라고 말하는데요. Jason도 “I know right? I should be careful next time. 그러게 말이야. 다음에는 조심해야겠어.”라고 대답합니다.

Now keep today’s expression ‘fall for (someone or something)’ in mind and let’s hear the conversation again. 그럼 다시 한번 대화를 들어볼까요?

Fall for (someone or something)

Jason: I can’t believe this!
Jen: What’s wrong?
Jason: I fell for what the salesman was telling me and bought an overpriced computer.
Jen: I’m surprised you fell for that.
Jason: I know right? I should be careful next time.

Today’s expression is fall for (someone or something). If you fall for something, you begin to believe something that is not true. Fall for something은 ‘(~)에 속아 넘어가다’, ‘(~)에 사기당하다’라는 뜻입니다. To fall for someone means to suddenly be in love with someone. 그리고 또 ‘fall for someone’은 ‘갑자기 (누군가에게) 푹 빠지다’, ‘사랑하게 되다’, 또는 ‘끌리다’ 라는 뜻으로 사용되기도 합니다.

In today’s conversation, Jason was tricked into believing that the computer he bought was cheap, when in fact it was overpriced. 오늘 본문에서 Jason은 판매원에게 속아서 기분이 좋지 않은 모양입니다. 영어로 “I fell for what the salesman was telling me and bought an overpriced computer.”라고했죠. 이렇게 무엇에 속아 넘어갔을 때 쓸 수 있는 표현이 바로 ‘fall for (~)’입니다.

그럼 오늘의 표현 ‘fall for (someone or something)’이 일상에서 어떻게 활용되는지 예문을 통해 살펴볼까요? Now let me give you some example sentences using today’s expression. “How could Jimmy fall for a story like that?” 라는 문장은 “Jimmy가 어떻게 그런 얘기에 속아 넘어갔을가?”라는 뜻입니다. Here is another example sentence. “I think Larry fell for Denise after the first date.” 라는 문장은 “Larry는 첫 만남에서 Denise에게 반해버렸어”라고 해석할 수 있습니다. Now that you know what today’s expression means, let’s listen to the conversation for the last time.

Fall for (someone or something)

Jason: I can’t believe this!
Jen: What’s wrong?
Jason: I fell for what the salesman was telling me and bought an overpriced computer.
Jen: I’m surprised you fell for that.
Jason: I know right? I should be careful next time.

Let’s review what we have learned today. Fall for someone or something means to be tricked into believing something that is not true. It can also suddenly be in love with someone or something. FALL FOR (SOMEONE or SOMETHING). Now try using this expression on your own. 지금까지 ENGLISH WITH YOO에 Jennifer Yoo입니다. Until next time, bye bye!