비지네스와 선교. 세미나 소개 – 엄경섭선교사, 차남준사모 부부


비지네스선교 세미나에 대하여

이디오피아에서 13년을 선교하신 엄경섭목사, 차남준사모의 이디오피아 선교사역 이야기와

비지네스 선교 세미나 설명

1. When: March 27(Thu), 28(Fri) 7p.m – 10p.m (Snack provided)
March 29(Sat) 9a.m – 4p.m (Lunch provided)

2. Where: Fuller Theological Seminary, Travis Auditorium
(180 N. Oakland Ave. Pasadena,CA, 91101)

3. Registration: www.ewcenter.org/seminar
On-Line $100 / Walk-In $120

4. Speaker
1) C.Neal Johnson, Ph.D., JD
– Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary
– JD, School of Law, University of New Maxico
– Founding Dean ofthe Business School, Bakke Graduate Univesity
– Professor and MBA Department Chair, HOPE International University
– 저서: Business as Mission
2) Harry Kim
– Director of TW
– Director & Vice President of Business Mission Academy(BMA)
– Cornerstone of BAM Advisor
– 저서: 일터@영성, 비즈니스 사역론